Make Your Reservation with TomSawyer

  1. Send Your Inquiry
  2. Please send your inquiry from online reservation form above or email us at or call us. Though we try to respond back to you within 24 hours to your inquiry, if you do not get any response after 36 hours, please call us.
    Please indicate in your inquiry,

    1. Tour Type
    2. Date and Time
    3. Number of Participants
    4. Name of Your Group Representative
  3. Receive Details
  4. Responding to your inquiry we will email details to you. Please email to us even if you have made a telephone inquiry to receive detail documents from us. Email services on mobile phones are sometimes limited receiving documents, please use your providers email service or free services. (gmail/hotmail etc, are okay).

  5. Make Your Payment
  6. Please review information we send and make your payment. Please have your group representative to pay total fees for your group members within 5 days in Tomsawyer’s bank account listed below.

    Account name: Tomsawyer adventures
    Bank Account: Rakuten bank, Warutsu branch (branch code 204), Checking Account, 5006797
    - Please note -
    You are responsible for paying all the transfer commissions.
    Please add your tour date on your transfer info.
    Ex. 0810 Ralph Lauren (Ralph Lauren’s reservation of tour date, Aug.10)

  7. Receive a Confirmation
  8. After we confirm your payment, we will send you a payment confirmation. When you receive them, your reservation has been made.